Thursday, August 2, 2018

Life Secret Woman ( LSW ) Pendant MCI MGI

Excess of Bioglass Pendant MCI MGI than Another MCI MGI Pendant

MCI MGI Pendants have 4 design , They are :
1.  Aura Pendant
2.  Biopendant (Bioglass Pendant)
3.  Life Secret Man Pendant
4.  Life Secret Woman Pendant.

The energy of all MCI MGI Pendant are same.
The function, material etc are same too.  Difference beetwen 4 item of MCI MGI Pendant is just design.

Excess of Life Secret Woman Pendant ( LSW ) MCI MGI design than another MCI MGI Pendant design :

Design of Life Secret is very beautiful, It is shiny.
LSW pendant will make you healthy and beautiful. It is more usefull than you use gold accessories.

Disadvantage of Life Secret Woman Pendant ( LSW ) MCI MGI design than another MCI MGI Pendant design:

It would be better if not often exposed to water. It will reduce the sheen from LSW Pendant.
But it will not damage or reduce efficacy LSW Pendant for our health.

Rim and Chain Material of Life Secret Woman Pendant

Rim and chain material of Life Secret Woman is made of Stainless 316L, Medical Grade.
Made of Stainless Steel 316L (series / stainless steel level best) in full ( not layer ),
In the world of metal fashion is known as Steel Titanium.

This metal has the characteristics:

* Resistance to acids
* Alkali Resistant
* Not rusty
* It does not change color
* Does not cause allergies
* Very loud, and brightly colored
* Generally medical devices, expensive watches (such as Rolex) and high grade pens, etc use this material for product
* Jewelry Original Stainless type is made by maintaining international quality and standardization.
* Use the best techniques to make this pendant. So that the quality of the resulting product is very smooth, elegant and has a very high durability .

So you do not have to doubt again with the quality of Life Secret Woman and another MCI pendant.

For the complete explanation please read Pendant MCI MGI


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