Thursday, August 2, 2018

MGI MCI Pendant Aura

Excess of Aura Pendant MCI MGI than Another MCI MGI Pendant

MCI MGI Pendant have 4 design. They are Aura Pendant, Biopendant ( Bioglass Pendant ), Life Secret Man Pendant and Life Secret Woman Pendant.

The energy of all MCI MGI Pendant are same. The function, material etc are same too.  Difference beetwen 4 item of MCI MGI Pendant is just design.

Excess of Aura Pendant MCI MGI design than another MCI MGI Pendant design :
The colour in the center of Aura Pendant is fickle. The fickle colour of Aura Pendant’s center depends on temperature arounds pendant. If you use aura pendant and aura pendant is attached to your body, so Aura Pendant will be your body indicator. It will indicate temperature / condition of your body.

These colors mean :

Blue means normal / healthy
Green means not good condition
Black means a lot of toxin
Red means cold

Disadvantage of Aura Pendant MCI MGI design than another MCI MGI Pendant design:

Aura Pendant can not get water. So you must take it off when you take a shower or swim. Because fickle color in the center of Aura Pendant will damage.

For the complete explanation please read Pendant MCI MGI


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